We offer choices to getting started on the journey.

Functional Medicine

Everybody holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the body needs a little help. As an experienced Alternative Medicine Practitioner, we work along side the patient. Together, we strive to find optimal wellness.

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Natural Healing

Consultations are the core of Functional Medicine. Rest assured that you will have ample time to speak your mind and voice ALL of your concerns. You will be heard and feel empowered throughout your healing journey. YOU get to make decisions instead of just being told what to do!

Our bodies don’t come with owners’ manuals- let’s write one for yours! During your consultations, we will go over your symptoms, concerns, and labs.  From there, we work together to CREATE your OWN customized owner’s manual. Typically, this will include a follow-up visit and lab work or other testing to help identify all root causes to your health concerns.  

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF)

Recharge your cells with our Pulse Center’s system. PEMF, or Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy, is immensely therapeutic.  This non-invasive, painless therapy has proven to be a FAVORITE among our clients. Call our office to inquire about which options and treatment plans are best for you.

Vitamin support

Blue Pebble Health offers many options for your optimal health.  We have created a comprehensive IV program for those looking for immediate support. There are many benefits of intravenous vitamin therapy- paramount among these is the benefit of 100% of the vitamins entering your vascular system instead of being filtered by your digestive tract.  The entire therapy is delivered to where your body needs it most! Working with Dr. Herzog, patients are able to discuss which protocols are in his or her best interest. MANY options are available.  We are so pleased to be able to offer this service!

Incredible Health Benefits

Immune regulation is the key to addressing chronic inflammation– the root cause of all chronic illness including autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Ozone alone, or in conjunction with light therapy, can be a wonderful option for those seeking or needing a more intensive therapy to speed up the healing process. This therapy is truly incredible.  Dr. Herzog LOVES to describe how this therapy can support each patient INDIVIDUALLY.  Call her today to learn more!

Optimal Wellness

Blue Pebble Health has partnered with the very best nutritional supplement companies. Dr. Herzog has extensively researched and vetted these companies so that you can feel confident that you will be provided with the best options for your health restoration and illness prevention. If desired, supplements can be acquired at the office on the day of your visit, or they can be ordered online though our partner dispensaries, such as Wellevate.

Prefer to stay at home? No problem- try our virtual consultation options.

Many find telehealth to be a very easy way to receive the health and wellness care they need while remaining in the comfort of their own home. All supplements, lab work, prescription orders, etc… are submitted into the patient portal. Supplements can be shipped to the patient via Wellevate.  Blue Pebble Health utilizes an advanced medical record system which allows the patient to have access to ALL of their medical information. Telemedicine services are available to those living in PA and UT, and we hope to add more states soon.

Quisque volutpat mattis eros.

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a medical treatment where you breathe air (with or without extra oxygen) in a chamber that is above atomspheric pressure (1.3 ATA). The increased pressure pushes more oxygen into the red blood cells and spinal fluid, where it is delivered to all your organs. The additional oxygen speeds the healing process and optimizes all body functions.

One might experience increased energy levels, improved concentration, more restful sleep and relief from chronic pain and chronic inflammatory conditions.

Ionic footbath therapy is an effective and gentle way to remove toxins from the body and enhance your health.

The IonCleanse® by AMD has a patented array system, making it the safest and most trusted on the market.

The color of the water relates to the amount and type of toxins as well as how much of each toxin the body is capable of removing at that time. Stress and overall health are two factors that will influence how well a person can remove toxins. Once the body is stimulated to remove toxins, the detoxification process can continue at a more effective level for a few days.